#1 On website improvement
Today, I updated favicon compatibility for various devices and browsers.
Favicon.io is the tool that helped me easily generate favicon similar to Y Combinator (Hacker News).
Favicon Generator: https://favicon.io/favicon-generator/
#2 On open source world
List of trending source code repository across GitHub: https://github.com/trending
Similarly, our soon-to-be IPO / best-open-culture company GitLab has their own way of exploring awesome trending repositories: https://gitlab.com/explore/projects/trending
https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome is one of the awesome list of awesome repositories. One would ask, what is this Kishan? Why are you writing so awesome multiple times? What’s behind it?
In a nutshell, “awesome <anyterm> [github|gitlab]” as a search would result in highly curated list of awesome repositories for given term.
#3 Google DORK but for Twitter (or any other social media for that matter)
Searching ‘<term> “docs.google.com/spreadsheets”‘ on twitter results in very interesting tweets of individuals sharing Google Spreadsheet with their followers.
For an instance, searching for ‘opensource “docs.google.com/spreadsheets”‘ led me to BellingCat Project on OSINT (which stands for Open Source Intelligence”
#4 On CDN, Security, DNS, and web police.
Cloudflare is interesting company which provides reverse proxy to shield the actual/origin of the server. In return, Cloudflare also provides benefits of caching, selectively enable or disable your website to regions.
Cloudflare also provide low-latency DNS service with (similar to Google’s This was possible by having a partnership with APNIC.
On a flip side, many illicit activity doers also use Cloudflare to protect their origin on the name of privacy and anonymity.
#5 Clubhouse
This startup created a new-kind audio-only group calls. 24/7 Group Phones!
#6 OBS – open source streaming tool
nuff said -_-